Peace Network is expected to attend the Global Peace Summit 2025

Peace Network is expected to attend the Global Peace Summit 2025…

The Global Peace Summit is an important international conference aimed at promoting peace and global cooperation. This event brings together a range of leaders, scholars, and charitable organizations from around the world, creating a platform to discuss pressing issues related to peace, security, and sustainable development.

At the conference, discussion sessions will focus on the global challenges humanity is facing, such as armed conflict, climate change, and social issues. These topics are not only timely but also require strong international cooperation to find effective solutions. Leaders will share experiences and strategies from different countries in search of viable methods to address these challenges. The conference will include not only speeches and group discussions but also various networking activities, providing opportunities for participants to better understand each other's perspectives and experiences. This helps build a strong network of connections among individuals and organizations, thereby enhancing collaboration in peace efforts. The ultimate goal of the Global Peace Summit is to develop specific initiatives and strategies to promote peace and stability for communities worldwide. This conference not only demonstrates the international community's commitment to building peace but also emphasizes the importance of cooperation among nations and organizations in addressing humanitarian issues.

With the Peace Network brand, we will participate as an active member. We have achieved significant progress in just two years, with remarkable developments in the field of humanitarian aid. With our experience in two key areas—Blockchain and humanitarian aid operations, which have been recognized by many organizations and countries—we plan to widely announce the Peace Network project to leaders and attract more partners to join in building the Peace Network for the 2025-2030 roadmap